Caroline Bowen is a 34 year old artist and amateur conservationist living in Louisville, Tennessee, in the Appalachian foothills of the Smoky Mountains. After spending her first three years as an art major, she became interested in meteorology after a close encounter with the April 27, 2011, Superstorm, and while enrolled in college algebra that fall, declared a physics major in order to pursue a master’s in meteorology despite never having taken a physics class before. The process of deriving concepts through drawing was central to her learning process right out of the gate, and in spring 2013, she used an open-ended assignment in a math+art graphic design class as an opportunity to gain some intuition into topics from her Calculus III class through sculpture. She has been designing math and physics visual aids ever since, with an ever-increasing arsenal of media and techniques. After graduating University of Tennessee, Knoxville, in December 2016 with a double major in math and academic physics with a minor in studio art, she is now able to devote herself more fully to studying and bringing her designs to life and has become a regular attendee of the international Bridges Math Art conference. Outside of being a Calculus Sculptress and her part-time job reloading test fire ammo at the family gunsmith shop, she’s usually busy out on the family acreage embodying her alter-ego, Feral Dirt Princess: big sunhat, Timberland boots, covered in sweat and sunscreen, waging war on the invasive plants with a big pair of loppers, feeling anxious about the health of the local Eastern Box Turtle population, abusing plant identification apps, and being obnoxious about birds.
Bridges 2016, Jyväskylä, Finland
PhysCon 2016 Art Contest, Best in Show and People’s Choice awards
Bridges 2017, Waterloo, Ontario
Bridges 2018, Stockholm, Sweden
The Art of Planetary Science exhibit at the American Astronomy Association, Division of Planetary Sciences 2018 annual meeting, Knoxville, Tennessee.
Bridges 2019, Linz, Austria
Bridges 2022, Aalto, Finland
Bridges 2023, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Bridges 2024, Richmond, Virginia, United States